Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well...the not so good news is I am still sick. Sick Day #3. I am starting to feel like I may just be on my death bed. Three sick days in a row. The only thing that is keeping me sane is that I managed to go to work for half a day yesterday.

(Jayne was nice enough to piggy-back me out to the ocean because I looked like I didn't have the energy to get there myself.)

(Can you imagine living in one of these houses along the beach?)

(Sunset on the beach)

Somehow in my head I figured that some fresh air would be a good idea, so I took a stroll to the beach with Jayne and Wendy. I fell asleep for a bit, and then we decided to stick around to watch the sunset! So beautiful! I really just can’t believe it. Really things like this make me so grateful I get to experience this. (not the sickness, Australia)

(Even though I was sick I was able to save Jayne's life as she almost skidded into the end of her mortal state)

(Seems like there was a common theme for the night, here is Wendy saving my life, we make great friends don't we)


Jayne & McKay said...

BB, I miss you and your life saving abilities, come home soon!