Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Okay...I know you were rooting for us to actually make it to the Blue Mountains this time, but surprise, surprise, We didn't. Wendy was still super sick, and no sleep is not good for hiking around the rain forest. We decided to go to Paddy's Market in China Town (this is where all the cheap souveneirs are and cheap clothes and it also has a great Fruit and Veggie market), because it is only on the weekends and we never have been able to make it because we always have plans for the weekends.

We finally got some fruit and veggies, and although I had gone with the intention of getting little gifts for my family, I came out with a shirt and a jacket for myself. Selfish I know, but they were cute!

Some of the things they sell to tourists make me nervous?

That night Wendy was feeling too sick to go out, so Jayne and I stayed with her till 11pm and then went out to go to the Pump House at Darling Harbour. We heard about this club (the Pump House, that was really great and played Hip hop music and so decided to go there. After we had paid to get in we realized that it was maybe not as great as we had heard. It was really small and didn’t really have the A class guys we were looking for in it. Just a lot of smelly ones. Luckily, with time, it got better and we found a group of people that were fun.

We look pretty gangsta' don't we! Ready for a night hittin' up the clubs?

One thing that was interesting to me is that the people dance cleaner in the clubs here. I don’t know what it is, but in general people don’t dirty dance. I would assume it would be worse, but most of the clubs I have gone to have been cleaner in that sense.

We didn’t leave till like 3:00 am and decided to stop at Mackers (Australian word for McDonalds) for an ice cream cone before making the long journey home. While waiting in line we met some Australian/Turkish boys that were pretty cool. Except for the fact that they were convinced that America had made up the September 11th attacks to get money for something that I can’t remember because I tuned out. We got the digits after telling them they could not come home with us, even if they would pay for our cab, and started walking to the bus stop that was like a 20 minute walk.

The frustrating thing in Sydney is after midnight the trains stop running, and only a limited

number of buses run, and the ones that do come very rarely. This is why we had to walk to a bus stop that was very far away, wait like 30 minutes, and then it was like a 40 minute bus ride, then a taxi home. Kind of ridiculous, but that was the cheapest way to do it. We didn’t end up getting home till almost 5 am. Crazy, I know!